July 7th - July 20th 2011. Zimbabwe, Africa. Hands Of Hope. http://hohafrica.org/wp/
January 5th - March 30th, 2013. Philippines. World Harvest Ministries. www.­tomrandall.­org

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The final countdown

So today I realized it has been quit a while since I have updated and I have lots to catch you up on!

Starting with our field trip!
We took the Cugley school kids on a field trip to Manila. Where we got to go through a noodle factory, a Filipino Culture museum, and a Science Discovery Museum.

Unfortunately the noodle factory does NOT let us take pictures inside.
So sad day, no pictures.
However our next stop was the Filipino Culture Museum (which was my favorite) where we got to hear some of our kids get up on stage and sing some songs with the Filipino percussion band. Which ROCKED. Then moving a little further inside we became the entertainment for the staff as we were dressed in a little Filipino flare and danced. Somehow I got roped into one of the dances.. Here are some pictures.

We ended the day at the Science museum located in Mall of Asia (What once was the biggest mall in Asia up until like a few years ago). The kids had fun as we got a tour through all the exhibits. And then after we got to go SHOPPING! :]

At the end of the day, as we were meeting out front to leave, I was anxiously waiting the arrival of my little brother! (whom I've never met and was coming back to Sankey to spend the weekend with me). At first it was a little rocky as he was SUPER nervous. It was cute. He's only 15. But we had a lot of fun on the bus ride home. It was a great weekend for him to come as we got to do a lot of fun things.

Saturday was more of a relaxing day. Jeremiah and I went and helped with one of the kids clubs that Bethel Church does in various communities. Which was an awesome experience for him. Then we came home and he got a chance to play basketball with the boys at night time.
All the Sankey boys were a really great encouragement and just so friendly to him, they got along great.

Sunday night we celebrated all the February birthdays with a party on the farm including all the boys, teachers, and staff. It was lots of fun! we had tons of food, ice cream, and some karaoke.

The next day was Monday, which was a holiday here annnd it was Babes birthday! So we went to this beach which was BEAUTIFUL! The ocean water was so warm, white soft sand, and clear water. we had to hike a little trail to get to this beach, and there was a cave. It just rocked. I have lots of pictures...

Here's some pictures from Babes Camera...

My brother left Tuesday afternoon. It was such a sweet weekend to spend with him. He might be coming back to Sankey in the Summer to play basketball with the boys, which would be so fun for them. I'm so happy I got the chance to meet him and get to know him.

One day Nathan and I got to take the day off at Cugley and go and spend the day with the high school/college kids at their school St. Annes. They were having a talent show that day. Roy rode his unicycle and won first place in the college division! It was so awesome to watch as he came out on a small unicycle and the crowd went crazy. Then he went back and forth getting a taller one each time. Everyone LOVED it and 2 of the judges gave him a standing ovation.
Then we watched the high school's dance/singing talent show. Where Heidi won first place in solo singing division! And Marikar, Grace, and Gilbert participated in a few of the other dances/songs. It was so fun to be able to hang out with them at school and meet their friends. Some of which ran away embarrassed or attacked you with a million questions. Overall a great experience to be able to spend part of the day with them at their school.
Roy practicing for his Talent show.

2 weeks ago, the Westgate team go here! It was so nice to see friends out here on the other side of the world and get a chance to serve with them here. They all brought something different to their team and it was so fun to watch them bond together and do the Lord's work together over here.

They came and sanded, spackled, and painted both the new building and they look GREAT! I know all the kids really enjoyed having them here, and they are surely missed already.

Last week I was asked to speak in front of the high school group, which is on Sunday nights, where I shared my testimony and then had the kids group up with someone from the WestGate team and have a time to share my favorite question, "What do you feel like God is teaching you?"
If you know me, you know I have a fear of public speaking. But I think it went pretty well, and it wasn't to bad because I got talk about me and the work that God has been doing in me and in my heart. It was a great night.

This week of school is all graduation practice, as Final exams are DONE! Friday is graduation for Cugley, and all the high schools.

Here's some pictures i stole from Andrews facebook...

It's currently Sunday Afternoon here, and I leave here in just 12 days.
Just the other day I realized... I've been a teacher for 3 months. Which is so crazy to think about. 1. that I was a teacher, and 2. that I've been gone for almost 3 months.

This might be the last time I update until I get home.
Thanks for all of your prayer support, This has been one of the best experiences of my life.
See you all in 2 weeks :]

Prayer Request:
-Gaspar (one of the boys from Sankey) had a brain injury on Thursday from being to hardcore on the slip n slide. If you can pray for a quick recovery and no lasting side effects/damage. He should be coming home from the hospital today or tomorrow!
- Safe travels home with all the stuff happening with Korea.

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